I'm in love with my new dress! AND YOU WILL NEVER GUESS WHERE I GOT IT. Yeah that's right the clearance rack at JCPenny. I know, I know, I'm still in shock, too. This is going to be a quick post, because I'm almost done with the new season of Arrested Development and then I need to catch some Z's. On the bright side I have about a week left of school and then SUMMER. The only downfall about the next week is finals, because I can't exempt any since I've missed too many days. I'm not too worried about finals, but I have really bad testing anxiety...The two finals I'm really worried about are Algebra II and Physics (mainly because I don't remember anything I've learned). So wish me luck! I've made a recent discovery: I use "oh" a lot whenever I'm speaking or typing and I'm going to try and cut back on it. Oh! (strike one) My theatre company and I are most likely going to perform A Midsummer's Night Dream for our Christmas show next year and I AM PUMPED. Lastly, one of my friends' grandmother cleaned out her closet and gave me a pile of vintage clothing!!! Holla~
c. 1966
the other night I sat down to watch the film, Dick, and it's probably one of the best movies ever! It's about these 15 year old girls who end up being Richard Nixon's dog walkers, because the administration thinks they know about the Watergate scandals. If you ever have the chance to see it, I highly recommend it!
I don't know the maker of these shoes or where to find them but i need them
me at school
friendly reminder