Apr 3, 2014

make me a bird

Okay, wow, hi everyone! Long time no blog! The last week has been super emotional and busy for me and I apologize for my absence but you know how it goes sometimes. Last Friday was the second round of my theatre competition and unfortunately we didn't advance (because I'm pretty sure one of the schools cheated but that's a different story for another time). I was really upset all weekend because I love this play so much and it's my last one until I graduate high school BUTTTTT sometimes that's just how it goes and I'm okay now. Other than that I've been super scatter brained with college stuff, scholarships, and trying to get a summer job. I applied to old navy and their starting pay is $10 an hour so hopefully I get it! Send some good job juju my way~ Im excited because I found ascholarship for student who show an interest in sewing and I'm working on a Victorian collar for that! (Will provide pics when it's done)
Let's see...what else is new? I finished the show, Hemlock Grove on Netflix and OH MYLANTA talk about emotions flying! Overall it was a very good show but the season finale was just too stressful. I also discovered the hilarity called Cannibal! The Musical. I was sort of afraid to watch it but it's actually one of the funniest low budget films I've ever seen! I haven't had the chance to take any decent photos so below is a slew of stuff from my insta. (#professionalblogger)

everything thrifted except for my Gerry pin from the Pulp Girls
Last Saturday was trade days in new waverly! Unfortunately it wasn't successful for me AT ALL but I still had fun and met some really cool antique lovers and dealers. So in the end it was worth it~

This past Christmas my dad got me a Mick Jagger action figure and I'm pretty sure he loves it more than me haha! This past week he was in San Antonio for business and end up taking a day trip to the Alamo with Mick. He took a lot more photos of Mick and I'll be putting them on here from time to time for shits and giggles. 
I cannot even find words to describe how EXCITED I am for Pop Shop in May! I've been planning a funky layout and banners for this big event and I hope anyone in the area can stop by and make it! Remember I'm always up for bartering too. Also my Facebook page for the Mad Mod Shop has reached over 200 likes! I'm thinking of doing a little giveaway when I maybe reach 300 or 350 so stay tuned for that! (If I do a giveaway it has to be within the USA which SUCKS but I don't have money to ship free merch put of the country.)
okay, less about me: How has everyone been?? Leave a comment below to tell me something great that has happened to you recently!!


  1. Omfg I wanna go to the Pop Shop thing but idk if my parents will take me and Tessa. :(
    But good luck with the job search and college stuff! I'll stop by your store soon.♡

    1. I hope you guys will be able to make it to Pop Shop! Luv ya, Lexxii <3

  2. Shut the front door! I love those pins. And good luck with your pop up shop!!


  3. thrifted beavis and butthead pin <3
    I'm super bummed your theater competition didn't go through to the next round, defs due for some good juju aka summer job

    1. Thank you!! I hope I get the job I want. :-)

  4. I didn't know anyone else watched Hemlock Grove!? That show is so depraved...I love it! lol

    1. I love Hemlock Grove so much! I wish more people watched it, too.

  5. The Mick Jagger action figure, oh my goodness!!! I cannot wait to see the rest of the series!
    Oh! and I also nominated you for a Liebster Blog Award, by the way! ♥ c:


♡All comments are read & loved. Thank you so much for dropping by!♡