Nov 10, 2013

you think you're tough

WOW. It feels like I have been gone for ages. Even though a lot has happened in the past week, it feels like the days have been going by soooooo slow (darn you time change). My school has been so chaotic within this last week. There were over nine fights, queso cheese thrown against lockers, and a shooting/riot threat. It's been really bumming me out, because I just don't understand how people can be so disrespectful and violent. I just don't want to be afraid to go to school. Really and truly, it just makes me want to graduate even sooner so I can get on with my life. On the bright side, the school play (A Midsummer Night's Dream) is coming along fairly well, and I'm starting to fall in love with my character, Peter Quince (THAT'S RIGHT, I play a man. The table's have turned, William!).
Anyways, today I went to Houston with my parents and some friends, and we spent the day eating tacos, and buying vintage clothing. At one point in the day we ended up at a pop-shop indie craft/art/music festival, and the whole day was just really great. I'm starting to greatly consider getting a booth at the next pop shop festival to sell some of my vintage clothing, and I just hope it works out.
 ~They're not what they seem~
 I wanted that cat sweater SOOO BAD (but it was $30).

 I bought this dress, and I never want to take it off.

 This is such a TERRIBLE photo of me, but all the vintage clothing and colors in the background are so perfect!

Kudos to Joshua for taking most of these photos~
title from a Hunx & His Punx song (I've been listening to them non-stop lately.)
What have you crazy cats been jamming to lately?


  1. Hang in there, school will be over before you know it! That fair looks like so much fun, and I appreciate that Twin Peaks reference you threw in there haha

  2. you look so good in this pink shirt! ^^ i love the photos with flowers crowns and lace clothes <3 hope you had really great time!

    weirdoland -

  3. Omg those clothes are amazing. I always love looking at stores like those.


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