Dec 21, 2013

nothing says Christmas quite like an ugly sweater

This weekend my friends and I partook in a ugly Christmas sweater/white elephant exchange party. It was filled with wondrous holiday treats, hilarious gifts, and an interesting array of music. 
 Cass got the worst gift in white elephant exchange history. It was a porcelain frog totem pole from Goodwill. The present was beautifully wrapped so when she opened it, it was just one big ball of disappointment. I'm pretty sure no one ended up taking it home. Hopefully Josh (the host) was wanting to keep it to decorate his home.
 The gift Cass brought was the absolute best.
 My friend, Shelby, ended up getting my white elephant gift- Gladys, the most majestic creature in the land. After she got it and the game was over, her and I scrambled all over the house to take silly photos of Gladys in places she shouldn't be (the freezer, shower, microwave, closet, etc.). Naturally she loved the gift and told me it will look fantastic with Esmeralda, her vintage porcelain cat.
 ~True luv~
Overall it was a super fun night and I got some really cute gifts from my lovely friends. How has everyone's break been so far? 


  1. you look amazing, all of you! ugly sweaters rock <3
    and the decoration in the room is awesome!

    weirdoland -

  2. that sounds like so much fun! any excuse to wear ugly christmas sweaters :)

  3. Ugh so jealous of you and all of your lovely friends and all of your lovely friends' ugly Christmas sweaters! That party looks insanely fun. My winter break has been super good, I finally started drawing again for the first time in months and I now have time to actually do creative things!


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