Mar 7, 2013

because mismatch just feels right

(sorry about the boring faces today) Hello all! Hope everyone's week is going swell. I can't complain (beside the fact that I'm struggling with my character right now in the play. I have to be flirty, and as you can imagine- I'm not too great at that), and the week is almost over, and then...........SPRING BREAK!! I just found out today that I will be OFFICIALLY going to the Rookiemag meet-up in Austin next Wednesday. I will be making a post about it- don't worry. I'm also very excited, because I get to hang out with my favorite people in the whole wide world almost all week. They should just move in with me, I mean what.

 Anywho, back to the point of this post.  Lately, I have been playing with patterns, and I have realized I love having a mismatch outfit that flows well (color-wise). Today I wore some of my favorite pieces in my wardrobe. My flower crown is one you've all seen many times, since it is my favorite one I've made. My sweater is from the clearance rack of Forever21, and it has the most precious flower decorations along the top. The top I wore as a collar is from Etsy, and it's the perfect sheer flower blouse. The dress is actually one of my favorite things ever for many reasons. It was one of the first vintage pieces I've ever bought, and it can be worn sooo many different ways (maybe I'll make another post about that sometime soon), and it's also the perfect mod print. Now the leggings are quite special to me, too. I dyed them in fashion design and they took almost three hours to get the colors and placement perfect. Luckily, they came out exactly how I wished they would. The necklaces and bracelets are misc. gifts/vintage. And of course my prize $5 docs.


  1. I love mismatching prints! Your
    hair is so lovely, by the way *.*

  2. omg the daisies on your cardigan! so amazing

  3. I like this outfit :) Mis-matching prints are cool! I really like the dress and cardigan

  4. I see your room is decorated with many a British thing - you've got good taste haha ;P (I'm from London, so I miiight be slightly biased)
    Also, your outfit is fantastic, mis-matching is great and crikey charlie, you dyed those leggings yourself!? Wowza and a half


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